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Trad climbing
Les Enragés, Mescalito,            ,            , Armoiraprods, or more modestly                   ...  Long craks on natural protection, or "mixed" routes were free climbing alternates        with   aid climbing sections... many routes in the Gorges are still "old-fashioned"... Should        we climb them together and you will  discover something more "spicy" than modern,     well bolted (over-bolted?) climbing.
    You will also learn to put your first nuts and cams, or  learn the fundaments of aid climbing.


Heavy Métal, fissure déja sérieuse et équipement minimaliste...
Visiting the classics
As long as you can climb 5plus/6a (french cotations), you have access to many superb routes in the Gorges. From 120 to 280m, classic crack climbing or modern face-climbing on the legendary Verdon's grey limestone...
              ,        ,                           , or                     , all these routes should be part of the "general culture" of all climbers.
My practical purpose is to guide you in routes you couldn't do alone, but also to push you in order you progress toward autonomy. 


A bit of ambition...
                    ,                                        , les Rideaux de Gwendal, or                                     ,  Surveiller et Punir,                          ... the most beautiful and famous routes  of the Gorges are available to you if you can climb french 6b/6c.
Unforgettable journeys on a perfect limestone and a quite astounding exposure.

Most of these routes are milestones in the climbing's history and are an achievement in a climber's life.

Rêves de Fer, le gaz, le rocher, le Verdon quoi !
Being efficient in big wall climbing can't be improvized !
Climbing with an heavy bag, spending hours uncoiling ropes form trees, wasting  precious last daylight moments trying to find a quick way to reach the ground, hangdogging long minutes under a huge overhang without being even able to reach the rock...
Multipitch climbing is supposed to be fun, but it could easily become a nightmare without a good preparation. While climbing a few days in the Gorges you will improve your belay organisation, your rappel technics, and get used to more specifics technics, like hauling lines, rap down on static rope, and, why not, helping an over-optimistic partner...
All your ropework  will be more efficient, you will be more relaxed and can  just focus on climbing.
Question organisation du relais, il y a mieux ...
Afin que nul ne Meure, une des premières voies de la nouvelle génération: escalade de dalle, niveau abordable et équipement raisonnable

Climbing in the Verdon's Gorges is not reserved to some selected few, but the access are often complex and impressive, the rappels, difficult to find.

If we climb together a few days we could visit the major sectors and the most useful rappel lines, so that you can come back by yourself, relaxed and more efficient.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             



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